Ruokaile ja Kahvittele

Wel­come to our cozy and invit­ing envi­ron­ment, where you can indulge in deli­cious home-cooked meals or spend a relax­ing moment by the cof­fee cup. We also offer a wide range of local arti­san del­i­ca­cies that will tan­ta­lize your taste buds and allow you to taste the best fla­vors and prod­ucts of our region.

At Ker­man­ran­ta, the Har­bor Café-Restau­rant Ker­ma­cot­ta is open dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son and by reser­va­tion at oth­er times.

The restau­rant offers delight­ful sea­son­al café treats and tasty dish­es, refresh­ments, and local prod­ucts amidst the beau­ti­ful lake­side scenery of Lake Ker­man­järvi. From Ker­ma­cot­ta, you can rent recre­ation­al equip­ment such as SUP boards and row­boats, and play board games.

Ker­man­ran­ta also pro­vides munic­i­pal har­bor ser­vices for boaters, fish­er­men, campers, and oth­er vis­i­tors to the area.

Ker­ma­cot­ta also pre­pares won­der­ful and mouth-water­ing sweet and savory treats through­out the year upon request in their home bak­ery.

One of the monastery’s main gath­er­ing places is its cozy Café-Restau­rant Trape­sa, which has 260 seats and serves also alco­holic bev­er­ages. It gets its name from the Greek word mean­ing table or monastery din­ing hall.

In addi­tion to buf­fet din­ing, cof­fee, tea, and light snacks are avail­able through­out the day. The monastery’s monk-brewed cof­fee is already a tra­di­tion. In July, the atmos­phere of Trape­sa is com­ple­ment­ed by the Valamo Tea Table, which is set every evening from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

Near the Valamo and Lin­tu­la monas­ter­ies, there is a diverse and afford­able camp­ing area. You can stay at the camp­site with a camper van, tent, or book a cot­tage for your­self. You can also arrive by boat and stay at our guest pier.

The area also fea­tures a high-qual­i­ty restau­rant where you can enjoy tasty meals and refresh­ments. The restau­rant offers a won­der­ful selec­tion, includ­ing prod­ucts from the Valamo vine­yard.

At our site, you can play mini-golf, go fish­ing, sing karaoke, or rent a sauna for your use.

Come and enjoy a cozy café atmos­phere or our sun­ny sum­mer ter­race with a home­ly lunch, savory or sweet pas­tries filled with deli­cious top­pings, per­haps paired with spe­cial­ty cof­fee. We also accom­mo­date meet­ings and small gath­er­ings. We can pre­pare var­i­ous pas­tries upon request as well.

Dur­ing the sum­mer, there’s a canal kiosk locat­ed next to the beau­ti­ful Varis­taipale Canal. They offer ice cream, can­dies, and lemon­ade. Also avail­able are grilled del­i­ca­cies and cof­fee. Dur­ing the har­vest sea­son, you can also find straw­ber­ries, pota­toes, and oth­er pro­duce.

Ker­mankos­ki kiosk has been serv­ing cus­tomers for 25 years dur­ing the sum­mers. At the kiosk, you can buy fresh pas­tries, waf­fles, snacks, ice cream, drinks, can­dies, fish­ing per­mits for Ker­man­vir­ta Riv­er, and book­ing slots for the sauna and camp­ing area by the river­side. The kiosk is main­tained by Ker­ma-Sap­pu-Pöl­läkkä vil­lage asso­ci­a­tion. Heinäve­den­tie 68, Ker­ma.

Heinäve­den matkailu

Ker­man­ran­nantie 7
79700 Heinävesi

    Olen tutus­tunut tieto­suo­jakäytän­tömme ja hyväksyn tieto­jeni tal­len­tamisen käytän­tömme mukaises­ti.