Enjoy the fresh air of Heinävesi
Experience tranquility and a strong connection with nature by boating or kayaking along the Heinävesi route. Enjoy the pure air of Finland’s most forested municipality while wandering along nature trails, or simply be actively passive, finding your own peace and space to gaze into the distance both on land and water. Along the pristine shores of Lake Kermajärvi, you’ll find all the amenities a traveler needs. Whether you arrive by boat, car, or public transport, come explore our lively town center and beautiful Canal Villages.
Reitin kauneimman silloin sä kuljet, kirkkorannasta laivaan kun meet. Ei missään niin vehmaiset rannat ja kirkkahat oo kalaveet. Kosket kanavat kertovat että, tämä kauneus on Heinävettä.
Kermanrannoilta, Siiri Vainikainen
Winter season 2023–2024
Kermajärvi lake nested in the arms of lake Saimaa
Along the Heinävesi route and in Kolovesi National Park, you’ll witness quintessential Finnish scenery at its finest. Explore the canal villages of Kerma, Karvio, Varistaipale, Valamo, and Pilppa by water, car, or bicycle. There are hiking trails suitable for all levels, and you can also join guided thematic excursions, perhaps to ancient settlements
Tule Heinäveden kesämaisemaan, tahi saavu kun on talvi parhaillaan. Koet kuinka lämpöistä on naapuruus, ilon ihme askelissa aivan uus. Kermanjärven tuntee jokainen, leikit päivänkullan, laulut kaislojen. Tule sinäkin ja retki tänne tee, saatat nähdä Heinävesi hymyilee.
Heinäveden humppa, Aili Luostarinen
Klick for 360 ‑Virtual service map!
Many faces of Heinävesi
As you journey along the Heinävesi route and through Kolovesi National Park, you’ll be treated to the most picturesque Finnish landscapes. Discover the charming canal villages of Kerma, Karvio, Varistaipale, Valamo, and Pilppa, accessible by water, car, or bicycle. With hiking trails catering to all skill levels, you can immerse yourself in nature’s beauty. Additionally, consider joining guided thematic excursions, which may lead you to explore ancient settlements and historical sites.
Luonnosta lautaselle- tapahtuma
Maksuton koko perheen tapahtuma Varjentiini-salissa ja kirjaston pihalla. Tekemistä, näkemistä ja maisteltavaa riittää koko perheelle!…
Regattatapahtuman aikainen liikenne 19.–21.7.
Vierasvenepaikat on kaikki varattu tapahtuman ajan Regattaan osallistuu 42 vanhaa alusta, ja tapahtuman ajaksi on…
Heinäveden Muinaisviikko
Muinaisviikolla monipuolisesti ohjelmaa 28.7.–4.8.
Heinävesi Summer Brochure
Heinävesi’s service brochure for summer 2024 has been released. You can download it below or pick up a paper copy at many of Heinävesi’s service-oriented businesses and places for visit! Languages English, German and Finnish.