
Heinävesi villages at your service

Heinävesi center

In addi­tion to gro­cery stores, the cen­ter vil­lage offers many high-qual­i­ty spe­cial­ty shops, well-being and beau­ty ser­vices, as well as plen­ty of cozy din­ing options through­out the year. You can stay com­fort­ably in your own stu­dio apart­ment or even in an authen­tic police cell.

Dur­ing the sum­mer, Ker­man­ran­ta Har­bor offers car­a­van accom­mo­da­tion, a café, and equip­ment rental, while in win­ter, Pääskyvuori with its sur­round­ing snow­mo­bile and ski­ing trails pro­vides activ­i­ties for those inter­est­ed in explor­ing the ter­rain with an engine or skis, cater­ing to sled­ders and active enthu­si­asts of all skill lev­els.

Heinävesi North

The ser­vice cen­ter of North­ern Heinävesi is locat­ed along High­way 23 in Karvio, where a ver­sa­tile Neste ser­vice sta­tion and K‑market serve cus­tomers year-round. Karvio Camp­ing offers accom­mo­da­tion in the sum­mer along with var­i­ous activ­i­ties, a guest mari­na for boats, and restau­rant ser­vices.

The shop and café of Lin­tu­la Monastery, locat­ed in Palok­ki, are open dur­ing the sum­mer months. Near­by the monastery, there is also a nature trail. Accom­mo­da­tion is offered not only by Lin­tu­la but also by the charm­ing Palok­ki Inn, which is ren­o­vat­ed from an old vil­lage school. Dur­ing the same vis­it, you can also explore the his­tor­i­cal Palok­ki rapids envi­ron­ment.

Heinävesi East

Route 476 to Joen­suu pass­es through the vil­lages of East­ern Heinävesi. Vihtari also has a train sta­tion. So, you can eas­i­ly access places like Vihtar­i’s nature trail or spend a sheep hol­i­day at Pirteä Päs­si’s place even by pub­lic trans­porta­tion.

The East­ern Heinävesi area has a lot to offer for nature enthu­si­asts. Along your jour­ney, you’ll see the beau­ti­ful Ker­mankos­ki and Ker­ma Canal. You can take a detour for a short nature trail in Vihovuon­tee or enjoy a pleas­ant pic­nic slight­ly off the beat­en path, per­haps at Pilp­pa Canal.

The rapids pro­vide chal­lenges for both kayak­ers and fish­er­men alike. Fish­ing per­mits are con­ve­nient­ly avail­able at the Ker­mankos­ki kiosk dur­ing sum­mer.

Com­fort­able inns offer accom­mo­da­tion, and there’s even a small camp­ground in Ker­ma with kiosk ser­vices. Dur­ing the sum­mer, boaters are served by the guest mari­na and restau­rant at Ker­mankei­das, along with accom­mo­da­tion options.

Ker­mankos­ki Dance stage has recent­ly under­gone sig­nif­i­cant ren­o­va­tions, pro­vid­ing excel­lent facil­i­ties for both dancers and sum­mer the­ater enthu­si­asts to enjoy them­selves.

Heinävesi West and South

The west­ern and south­ern parts of Heinävesi are tru­ly envi­ron­ments for nature lovers. In the south, the area bor­ders Kolovesi Nation­al Park, where you can pad­dle or hike in rugged rocky land­scapes or spend a hol­i­day rid­ing Ice­landic hors­es.

In the small vil­lages, local, dis­tinc­tive vil­lage, and oth­er events are orga­nized, to which guests are warm­ly wel­comed. Stop by, for exam­ple, at the Casa 63 art exhi­bi­tion along High­way VT23!

Accom­mo­da­tion is pro­vid­ed by the area’s cot­tage entre­pre­neurs.

Explore the unique events and activ­i­ties in the vil­lages of Heinävesi. Trav­el­ers are warm­ly wel­comed to expe­ri­ence authen­tic vil­lage life, tra­di­tion­al events, and the diverse fam­i­ly busi­ness­es in the coun­try­side. Feel free to reach out to the vil­lage orga­niz­ers and inquire for more infor­ma­tion!