Heinävesi Center

Traditions and Services

Heinävesi’s vil­lage is sit­u­at­ed along Route 476, at the cross­roads of many routes. Just a few kilo­me­ters from the cen­ter, trains stop, large ves­sels reach the har­bor to access ser­vices, and trav­el­ers dri­ving or cycling between cities in East­ern Fin­land find a range of ameni­ties and great events for a relaxed hol­i­day. Accom­mo­da­tion options include Rohtorinne Trav­el Lodge, sev­er­al neat apart­ments, or even a for­mer police cell. For the hun­gry, there are var­i­ous options for a quick cof­fee break, lunch, or even a feast for fam­i­ly gath­er­ings. Dur­ing the sum­mer, cozy restau­rant ter­races in the cen­ter and the Ker­ma­cot­ta café at the har­bor are open. Right on the out­skirts of the vil­lage, there are excel­lent facil­i­ties for win­ter activ­i­ties with illu­mi­nat­ed ski trails and a diverse and high-qual­i­ty ski slope.

Kermaranta harbor

Ker­man­ran­ta Har­bor has recent­ly been ren­o­vat­ed, and in the sum­mer of 2024, vis­i­tors can enjoy even more diverse ser­vices and cozi­er spaces. Café Ker­ma­cot­ta and Mel­on­takaver­it togeth­er offer rental equip­ment for water excur­sions. A new ser­vice build­ing serves cot­tage-goers and car­a­van­ers, with an elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing sta­tion avail­able.

High­lights of the sum­mer at the har­bor include the Old Ships Regat­ta from July 19th to 21st and the tra­di­tion­al Speed Races and Venet­ian Nights at the end of August.

Heinävesi Church

Heinävesi Church is locat­ed near the cen­ter, perched atop a hill called Kirkon­mä­ki, with an ele­va­tion dif­fer­ence of approx­i­mate­ly 90 meters down to the har­bor and Lake Ker­ma­järvi. From Kirkon­mä­ki, one can enjoy mag­nif­i­cent views of the lake.

Styl­is­ti­cal­ly, the Heinävesi Church is Neo-Goth­ic and accord­ing to the South Savo Cul­tur­al Her­itage Data­base, it is designed to accom­mo­date 2000 peo­ple, mak­ing it the sec­ond largest wood­en church in Fin­land. In addi­tion to reli­gious cer­e­monies, the church hosts annu­al music events and art exhi­bi­tions dur­ing the sum­mers.

The church is under­go­ing ren­o­va­tions dur­ing the sum­mer of 2024 and is closed to the pub­lic.

Traditional & Modern village

In Heinävesi’s vil­lage cen­ter, you can expe­ri­ence an authen­tic, cozy, and warm vil­lage atmos­phere. Many spe­cial­ty shops have been serv­ing in the same loca­tions for decades, with only the gen­er­a­tion of entre­pre­neurs chang­ing and ser­vices being updat­ed to mod­ern stan­dards.

At the Heinävesi Munic­i­pal Office, you can find tourist infor­ma­tion and guid­ance to local ser­vices. The new school cen­ter hous­es a mod­ern gym­na­si­um, and adja­cent to it are sports facil­i­ties for peo­ple of all ages and for pets accom­pa­ny­ing their own­ers on the jour­ney.


Pääskyvuori Ski Resort and obser­va­tion tow­er are fan­tas­tic des­ti­na­tions to vis­it in all sea­sons. For fit­ness enthu­si­asts, there’s plen­ty of chal­lenge in climb­ing up the slopes in sum­mer or ski­ing down them in win­ter. From the top of the obser­va­tion tow­er, you’ll be treat­ed to a breath­tak­ing 360-degree view from sun­rise to sun­set, sur­round­ed by silence, allow­ing you to tru­ly feel at one with nature.

Pääskyvuori Ski Resort fea­tures four slopes, a snow and ter­rain park, equip­ment rental, and a café. The longest slope is 700m, with a ver­ti­cal drop of 102m. Illu­mi­nat­ed ski trails and snow­mo­bile routes run between Pääskyvuori and the vil­lage cen­ter.

Busi­ness Info

Heinäve­den matkailu

Ker­man­ran­nantie 7
79700 Heinävesi

    Olen tutus­tunut tieto­suo­jakäytän­tömme ja hyväksyn tieto­jeni tal­len­tamisen käytän­tömme mukaises­ti.