Sleep Well

For a home­ly and relaxed accom­mo­da­tion expe­ri­ence, Heinävesi offers sev­er­al options suit­able for small groups and fam­i­lies through­out the year. Enjoy the hos­pi­tal­i­ty of guest­hous­es or rent an apart­ment for a longer stay.

Dur­ing the sum­mer, there are camp­ing sites avail­able for both tent campers and car­a­van­ers. Cab­in accom­mo­da­tion is avail­able at Karvio Camp­ing Area as well as from numer­ous pri­vate cot­tage providers.

Lin­tu­la Monastery is the only Ortho­dox con­vent in the Nordic coun­tries. Dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son, the monastery oper­ates a café, and vis­i­tors can stay in the guest­house in either sin­gle, dou­ble, or triple rooms.

The monastery also has its own online store.


In Valamo, through­out the year, there are sev­er­al accom­mo­da­tion options avail­able to guests. In addi­tion to the rooms in the monastery hotel and the insti­tute hotel, there are also mod­est guest­hous­es. One of these guest­hous­es used to serve as the monks’ res­i­den­tial build­ing, while the oth­er was pre­vi­ous­ly a car­riage shed for the estate.

Dur­ing the win­ter, accom­mo­da­tion is more afford­able com­pared to the sum­mer sea­son. All room rates include a monastery break­fast buf­fet.

Dur­ing Christ­mas and East­er, accom­mo­da­tion is only sold as full board pack­ages, which include meals and oth­er relat­ed fes­tiv­i­ties in addi­tion to accom­mo­da­tion.

Near the Valamo and Lin­tu­la Monas­ter­ies, there is a diverse and afford­able camp­ing area. Vis­i­tors can stay in motorhomes, tents, or rent cab­ins. You can also arrive by boat and spend the night at our guest dock.

The area also fea­tures a high-qual­i­ty restau­rant where you can enjoy deli­cious meals and refresh­ments. The restau­rant offers a won­der­ful selec­tion, includ­ing prod­ucts from the Valamo Win­ery.

You can play mini-golf, fish, sing karaoke, or rent a sauna for pri­vate use at our site.

Recent­ly ren­o­vat­ed trav­el park is part of the ser­vices at Ker­man­ran­ta Har­bor in the vil­lage cen­ter. The har­bor is home to Café-Restau­rant Ker­ma­cot­ta, where you can also rent kayaks, canoes, row­boats, and stand-up pad­dle­boards. The trav­el park offers elec­tri­cal hookups for ten vehi­cles.

Kermanrannan matkaparkissa matkailuautoja

At Ker­man­vir­ran­ran­ta, there are spots avail­able for motorhomes, car­a­vans, and tent camp­ing. The area fea­tures a small sauna, a grill shel­ter, a boat launch­ing area, and a guest dock.

Dur­ing the sum­mer, the canal kiosk serves cus­tomers near Ker­mankos­ki and the Ker­man Canal. It offers snacks, ice cream, can­dies, soft drinks, or cof­fee. You can also pur­chase fish­ing per­mits and pay camp­ing fees or rent a row­boat from the kiosk.

Book­ings and More Info:  +358 45 1313026 tai +358 40 7542928


In the for­mer phar­ma­cy build­ing, now trans­formed into a guest­house, there is room accom­mo­da­tion avail­able as well as a cozy lounge area, suit­able for small meet­ings or gath­er­ings.

Near Ker­mankos­ki, Ker­mankei­das offers guest har­bor ser­vices, restau­rant facil­i­ties, and room accom­mo­da­tion. Open dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son.

Heinäve­den matkailu

Ker­man­ran­nantie 7
79700 Heinävesi

    Olen tutus­tunut tieto­suo­jakäytän­tömme ja hyväksyn tieto­jeni tal­len­tamisen käytän­tömme mukaises­ti.