Shopping in Heinävesi

Wel­come to explore the diverse selec­tion of spe­cial­ty shops, pop-up stores, and arti­san mar­kets in Heinävesi! Vis­it events and mar­kets to browse through the sales stalls of local arti­sans, where you can find unique hand­i­crafts and design items. Explore our spe­cial­ty stores, offer­ing high-qual­i­ty and dis­tinc­tive prod­ucts to suit every taste. Come expe­ri­ence the joy of shop­ping and the excite­ment of dis­cov­er­ies in the diverse shops of Heinävesi!

In the town cen­ter, you’ll find diverse shop­ping options includ­ing S‑Market and K‑Market Gro­cery stores, as well as Tok­man­ni store, and Alko liquor store. Addi­tion­al­ly, there are two fuel sta­tions in the cen­tral area, and the har­bor fea­tures elec­tric vehi­cle charg­ing points. In Karvio, there is a fuel sta­tion cater­ing to both boats and cars, along with a ver­sa­tile K‑Market.

Heinäve­den Jalkine Ky oper­ates as a tra­di­tion­al spe­cial­ty store in the cen­ter of Heinävesi. Our selec­tion includes shoes, bags, toys, home decor, and cloth­ing.


We offer a wide range of prod­ucts from var­i­ous man­u­fac­tur­ers. From our numer­ous sup­pli­ers, you’ll sure­ly find the prod­ucts you love for your home and cot­tage.

Our selec­tion includes sofa sets, din­ing sets, shelv­ing units, beds, mat­tress­es, bed­ding, light­ing fix­tures, home decor items, out­door fur­ni­ture, and more.

We deliv­er the fur­ni­ture ful­ly assem­bled to your home accord­ing to agree­ment.

Home deliv­ery avail­able to Heinävesi and sur­round­ing areas.

From new to old, we have a wide range of items, from chil­dren’s toys to fur­ni­ture.

You’ll also find Amway prod­ucts (home, beau­ty, and well­ness) in the same place.

We offer repair sewing ser­vices.

Open dur­ing the win­ter: Mon­day to Fri­day, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Open dur­ing the sum­mer: Mon­day to Fri­day, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Sat­ur­day 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Sis­us­tus Sien­na spe­cial­izes in hand­craft­ed, gen­tly cleans­ing and foam­ing bar soaps for full-body wash­ing. These soaps are made from nat­ur­al plant oils and fats. The selec­tion includes, among oth­ers, Heinävesi soap and Ker­ma soap.

Bar soaps are avail­able at Heinäve­den Jalkine, locat­ed at Ker­mantie 8b.

Sum­mer out­lets:

Ker­mankosken kios­ki, Sata­ma­r­avin­to­la Ker­ma­cot­ta, Puu­tarhamyymälä Mali­nen.

Unique del­i­ca­cies from a nature-ori­ent­ed for­est estate:

  • Fer­ment­ed wild herb teas
  • Wild herb-infused salts
  • Flower sug­ars
  • Berry sug­ars
  • Freeze-dried herbs, berries, and mush­rooms
  • Avail­able upon request: cours­es, train­ing ses­sions, and nature excur­sions.

Inquiries: Mim­mu Nikkari

Heinäve­den matkailu

Ker­man­ran­nantie 7
79700 Heinävesi

    Olen tutus­tunut tieto­suo­jakäytän­tömme ja hyväksyn tieto­jeni tal­len­tamisen käytän­tömme mukaises­ti.