Enjoy the peace of nature and villages

Heinävesi offers expe­ri­ences for both nature lovers and those who enjoy cul­ture. Along the Heinävesi route and its sur­round­ing roads, the vil­lages form a ser­vice net­work pro­vid­ing ser­vices for trav­el­ers, whether mov­ing by their own mus­cle pow­er or with motored vehi­cles.

On the Heinävesi Route, which is among Fin­land’s most beau­ti­ful nation­al land­scapes, you can trav­el by boat or canoe and make stops at many of our har­bors along the way. Ser­vice har­bors are locat­ed in Kirkonkylä, Ker­ma, and Karvio, all of which offer accom­mo­da­tion and din­ing options. Excur­sion har­bors typ­i­cal­ly pro­vide basic ameni­ties such as fire pits and out­hous­es.

Nature trails scat­tered through­out Heinävesi cater to both demand­ing hikes and leisure­ly day pic­nics, even with chil­dren. The breath­tak­ing views over Lake Ker­ma­järvi from the Pääskyvuori obser­va­tion tow­er are acces­si­ble year-round, with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to climb to the top. At the base of the tow­er, there’s a place to enjoy your own packed meals.

Kartta heinäveden eri osa-alueista, kuten missä on Pohjoinen Heinävesi, Itäinen Heinävesi ja Eteläinen ja Läntinen Heinävesi
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Event Calendars

See all events in North Kare­li­a’s Event Cal­en­dar

Valamossa Taidenäyttely Taivaallinen Valo

Valam­ossa Taidenäyt­te­ly Taivaalli­nen Valo alka­en 10.5.2024: Petri Ala-Maunuk­sen maalauk­set kohtaa­vat Vala­m­on ja ortodok­sisen kirkko­museo Riisan kokoelmis­sa ole­vien ikonien enke­lit. Näyt­te­ly avoin­na vuo­den 2025 lop­pu­un.

Find out more
Valamo, Vala­m­on­tie 42
Heinävesi, Pohjois-Kar­jala 79850
+ Google Map