Satisfy your wanderlust

Heinävesi offers a pletho­ra of out­door activ­i­ties to sat­is­fy your wan­der­lust. Explore the pris­tine beau­ty of our forests and lakes by hik­ing along well-marked trails or pad­dling through tran­quil waters. Expe­ri­ence the thrill of fish­ing in our abun­dant water­ways or sim­ply unwind amidst the seren­i­ty of nature. With its diverse land­scapes and abun­dant wildlife, Heinävesi is a haven for those seek­ing adven­ture and tran­quil­i­ty in the great out­doors.

Monastery Hike from Valamo to Lintula — 18 km

A trail wind­ing through nat­ur­al and var­ied ter­rain, pro­vid­ing a per­fect glimpse of the East­ern Finnish land­scape. The route part­ly fol­lows roads, show­cas­ing a range of for­est types. The ter­rain can be chal­leng­ing, with board­walk sec­tions and wet­lands. The trail is marked with blue signs or paint­ed mark­ers.

A fire­place is locat­ed at Monikko­lahti, 3.3 km from Valamo. Mid­way along the route is Varis­taipale lean-to shel­ter, which can accom­mo­date about 40 peo­ple (8 for overnight stays). For lean-to reser­va­tions, con­tact Aarne Hiltunen at +358 400 373 926.

At Lin­tu­la, 2.5 km from Ris­ki cab­in, there’s a shel­ter avail­able for reser­va­tion. Con­tact +358 400 174 617.

Valamon luostari

The trail leads from the monastery ceme­tery to the atmos­pher­ic prayer for­est. At the end of the trail, vis­i­tors will find a small her­mitage invit­ing them to con­tem­plate, with prayer books and icons. The trail’s pro­file is con­sid­er­ably more chal­leng­ing than the Pil­grim’s Cross route.

The monastery’s most pop­u­lar walk­ing route guides the vis­i­tor to the so-called “Matkamiehen risti” (Pil­grim’s Cross), a bow­ing cross erect­ed by the broth­er­hood on the shore of Lake Juo­järvi in the late 1980s. The route mean­ders through var­ied land­scapes, part­ly fol­low­ing the shore­line of the lake. Along the way, you’ll also find a lean-to shel­ter where you can stop to have a meal or bar­be­cue.

Lintula Prayer Trail — 1 km

The for­est path start­ing from the monastery court­yard leads to the Chapel of St. Paraske­va Mar­tyr on the shore of Lake Koski­järvi, and from there, through var­ied lake­side and for­est land­scapes, to the monastery ceme­tery.

Pyylin Path — 3.8 km, Pyylinsaari

The start­ing point is on Huu­toniemen­tie, accessed from Pyylin­tie.

There is a small sign­board with maps at the site. The start­ing point is 25 km south from the vil­lage cen­ter. The trail is marked with blue paint on trees and wood­en stakes. Along the route, there is a wilder­ness hut (for 4 peo­ple), a sauna, and a lean-to shel­ter.

Vihtari nature trail 2,5 km

Start­ing Point: Vihtarin Vil­lage Manor, Savon­ran­nantie 2B, 79940 VIHTARI

There are 6 infor­ma­tion boards along the trail, pro­vid­ing insights into the local nature. Vihtari Nature Trail in the Mat­ti­la Nature Reserve has been devel­oped in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Vihtari Vil­lage Asso­ci­a­tion, Pirteä Päs­si Oy, and the local chap­ter of the Finnish Asso­ci­a­tion for Nature Con­ser­va­tion, Heinäve­den Luon­nonys­tävät. There’s a bird­watch­ing tow­er on the shore of Kiiskin­lampi Lake. The trail starts 700 meters from Savon­ran­nantie Road.

Guid­ed tours:: Pirteä Päs­si Oy

Karvio Path

Karvio Path, 1.7 km, starts from Karvio School, Venevalka­mantie 2, 79810 KARVIONKANAVA. There is a lean-to shel­ter, a fire­place, a beach, chang­ing rooms, and a toi­let by the shore.

Adja­cent to Karvio Camp­ing Area (Takun­lah­den­tie 2) is anoth­er trail, Vir­ran­nie­mi Nature Trail, 2.3 km long, offer­ing a nat­ur­al expe­ri­ence along the shore­line. The camp­ing area pro­vides var­i­ous ameni­ties such as minigolf, a play­ground, a restau­rant, accom­mo­da­tion cab­ins, and a cozy car­a­van and camp­ing area with ser­vice facil­i­ties.

From the guest har­bor, you can also embark on a canal cruise on m/s Sergei ‑boat.

For Cyklists

From Heinävesi, you can cycle through Out­okumpu to Koli, through Liperi to Joen­suu, through Savon­ran­ta to Kitee, or through Enonkos­ki to Savon­lin­na, tra­vers­ing var­ied and some­times chal­leng­ing ter­rain. Along the way, there are pleas­ant rest­ing spots and charg­ing points for elec­tric bikes avail­able at suit­able inter­vals.

At ancient set­tle­ments,

Explore the rem­nants of ancient dwellings and set­tle­ments, offer­ing a glimpse into the lives of past inhab­i­tants. Wan­der through the traces of his­to­ry left behind by those who once called these places home, and immerse your­self in the sto­ries of ancient civ­i­liza­tions.

Heinäve­dem muinais­seu­ra ry orga­nizes guid­ed tours to sev­er­al sites for small groups. Explore the Sat­un­naisen retkuil­i­jan blog for com­pre­hen­sive descrip­tions of many des­ti­na­tions.

For off-road enthusiasts

At Kolovesi Nation­al Park, there’s one nature trail and two hik­ing trails that allow you to immerse your­self in the forest­ed land­scapes.

Nahki­aissa­lo Nature Trail and the one-way Hirvinie­mi Trail are locat­ed in the south­east part of the park, in the Selkälahti area. These trails are sit­u­at­ed on the main­land and are acces­si­ble by car. They share the same start­ing point along Nahki­aissa­lon­tie road.

Explore the 3.9 km trail on Män­tysa­lo Island and the Pyylin Path, which extends into the Nation­al Park area.

Please note that the hik­ing trails at Kolovesi are only acces­si­ble dur­ing the warmer months, as they are not main­tained dur­ing the win­ter.