Heinävesi Marinas

Heinävesi offers sev­er­al well-equipped mari­nas to cater to boaters and vis­i­tors alike.

These mari­nas not only pro­vide essen­tial ser­vices for boaters but also serve as gate­ways to the nat­ur­al beau­ty and cul­tur­al attrac­tions of Heinävesi. Whether you’re cruis­ing the water­ways or sim­ply enjoy­ing the lake­side ambiance, Heinävesi’s mari­nas offer a wel­com­ing haven for vis­i­tors.

In the vil­lage cen­ter, Ker­man­ran­ta Mari­na serves both boat and ship traf­fic exten­sive­ly. The har­bor ser­vices are recent­ly being improved to bet­ter meet the needs of boaters, with ameni­ties such as a laun­dry facil­i­ty, show­er-WC facil­i­ties, and bilge water dis­pos­al being added. Fuel dis­tri­b­u­tion is pro­vid­ed by Karvio, which also offers a diverse camp­ing area with ser­vices. Accom­mo­da­tion and restau­rant ser­vices are avail­able at the Ker­man guest mari­na, and there is also a small camp­ing area, kiosk, and oth­er nec­es­sary ser­vices for fish­er­men in the vil­lage. Pap­in­nie­mi guest mari­na is locat­ed in the imme­di­ate vicin­i­ty of Valamo Monastery, and Valamo offers a wide range of tourism ser­vices.

Boaters have access to basic ser­vices with­in a few hun­dred meters from the moor­ing area, reach­able by foot. Town cen­ter ameni­ties such as gas sta­tions, shops, and munic­i­pal ser­vices are approx­i­mate­ly a kilo­me­ter away from Ker­man­ran­ta Mari­na. There’s a steep hill between the mari­na and the down­town area. You can bor­row an elec­tric bicy­cle from the mari­na for a com­fort­able jour­ney.


    Heinäve­den sata­ma, Heinäve­den kun­ta
    • Café-Restau­rant
    • Pilge, Sep­tic and waste dis­pos­al
    • Ice sta­tion
    • Laun­dry facil­i­ties
    • Show­ers, toi­lets, sauna
    • BBQ area
    • Accom­mo­da­tion for motorhomes
    • Beach access
    • Rental of recre­ation­al equip­ment
    • Charg­ing sta­tion for cars
    • Prox­im­i­ty to ser­vices in the town cen­ter


    • Café-Restau­rant
    • Sep­tic and waste dis­pos­al
    • BBQ area
    • Huone­ma­joi­tus­ta
    • Kios­ki 500m
    • Beach access
    • Nature trail near­by
    • Dance pavil­ion Ker­mankos­ki

    Guest marina

    • Café-Restau­rant
    • Sep­tic and waste dis­pos­al
    • BBQ area
    • Fuel sta­tion
    • Beach access
    • Camp­ing, cab­in rental
    • Nature trail

    Papinniemi, Valamo

    • Café-Restau­rant 400m
    • Valamo-opis­to 400m
    • BBQ area

    Business Info

    • Regattatapahtuman aikainen liikenne 19.–21.7.

      Vierasvene­paikat on kaik­ki varat­tu tapah­tu­man ajan Regat­taan osal­lis­tuu 42 van­haa alus­ta, ja tapah­tu­man ajak­si on kaik­ki vierasvene­paikat sata­mas­ta varat­tu tapah­tu­maan osal­lis­tu­jille. Mikäli halu­at saa­pua veneel­lä tapah­tu­maan, suosit­telemme rantau­tu­maan Ker­mankeitaan vierasve­ne­sa­ta­maan […]

      Lisätiedot »

    • Kerman Pienkone

      Olemme Ker­man pienkoneel­la erikois­tuneet pitämään venei­den moot­torit huip­pukun­nos­sa, jot­ta voit naut­tia huo­let­tomas­ta ja rentout­tavas­ta veneilykaud­es­ta.

      Lisätiedot »

    • Kermanrannan Matkaparkki

      Kesäl­lä 2023 valmis­tunut uusi matka­park­ki, jos­sa paikko­ja matkailu­au­toille ja tel­toille.

      Lisätiedot »

    • Blue Lake Cruises

      m/s Katrillin ris­teilykausi 2023 on täyn­nä uusia ris­teilyjä.

      Lisätiedot »

    • Matkatoimisto Mikan Matkat

      Suosi­tut Vala­m­on kanavaris­teilyt saat kaut­tamme.

      Lisätiedot »

    Pricing and Bookings

    Kermanranta services


    The ice is pri­mar­i­ly intend­ed for pre­serv­ing fish, but oth­er uses are also allowed. You can obtain the key from the Heinävesi Munic­i­pal­i­ty’s tech­ni­cal office locat­ed at Ker­man­ran­nantie 7.


    OTHER SERVICES- Kermanranta
    Elec­tric bicy­cles are avail­able for bor­row­ing at the har­bor office for com­mut­ing to the city cen­ter.Free
    Dai­ly vis­it in the Mari­naFree
    The use of the waste­water pump is free of charge. You can obtain the key to the pump from the Har­bor Office.Free
    Accom­mo­da­tion for boats and car­a­vans, with­out elec­tric­i­ty, is avail­able. The accom­mo­da­tion fee must be paid in advance via online app.
    Sauna per six per­sons / 1 hour20€
    Heinäve­den sata­ma, Heinäve­den kun­ta


    Prices for sea­son 2024 avail­able in April.


    Ker­man­ran­nantie 48
    79700 Heinävesi