Sleep Well

Homely and Relaxed accommodation
For a homely and relaxed accommodation experience, Heinävesi offers several options suitable for small groups and families throughout the year. Enjoy the hospitality of guesthouses or rent an apartment for a longer stay.
During the summer, there are camping sites available for both tent campers and caravaners. Cabin accommodation is available at Karvio Camping Area as well as from numerous private cottage providers.
For those who love peace and tranquility
Lintula monastery
Lintula Monastery is the only Orthodox convent in the Nordic countries. During the summer season, the monastery operates a café, and visitors can stay in the guesthouse in either single, double, or triple rooms.
The monastery also has its own online store.

Valamo monastery hotel
In Valamo, throughout the year, there are several accommodation options available to guests. In addition to the rooms in the monastery hotel and the institute hotel, there are also modest guesthouses. One of these guesthouses used to serve as the monks’ residential building, while the other was previously a carriage shed for the estate.
During the winter, accommodation is more affordable compared to the summer season. All room rates include a monastery breakfast buffet.
During Christmas and Easter, accommodation is only sold as full board packages, which include meals and other related festivities in addition to accommodation.
For hikers and campers

Karvio Camping
Near the Valamo and Lintula Monasteries, there is a diverse and affordable camping area. Visitors can stay in motorhomes, tents, or rent cabins. You can also arrive by boat and spend the night at our guest dock.
The area also features a high-quality restaurant where you can enjoy delicious meals and refreshments. The restaurant offers a wonderful selection, including products from the Valamo Winery.
You can play mini-golf, fish, sing karaoke, or rent a sauna for private use at our site.
Kermanranta Matkaparkki
Recently renovated travel park is part of the services at Kermanranta Harbor in the village center. The harbor is home to Café-Restaurant Kermacotta, where you can also rent kayaks, canoes, rowboats, and stand-up paddleboards. The travel park offers electrical hookups for ten vehicles.

![leirinta[11723] Asuntovaunupaikat](https://visitheinavesi.fi/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/leirinta11723-pypdfrqwniqqx82icohs25b1qc2zes7jlfd4wyl0gk.jpg)
Heinävedentie 50, 79910 Heinävesi,
At Kermanvirranranta, there are spots available for motorhomes, caravans, and tent camping. The area features a small sauna, a grill shelter, a boat launching area, and a guest dock.
During the summer, the canal kiosk serves customers near Kermankoski and the Kerman Canal. It offers snacks, ice cream, candies, soft drinks, or coffee. You can also purchase fishing permits and pay camping fees or rent a rowboat from the kiosk.
Bookings and More Info: +358 45 1313026 tai +358 40 7542928

Guest houses

Guesthouse Rohtorinne
In the former pharmacy building, now transformed into a guesthouse, there is room accommodation available as well as a cozy lounge area, suitable for small meetings or gatherings.
Near Kermankoski, Kermankeidas offers guest harbor services, restaurant facilities, and room accommodation. Open during the summer season.

All Accommodation Businesses
Pöllölän luontofarmi
Pöllölän luontofarmilla voit turvallisesti nukkua Saarinen-järven rannalla yösi puussa tai…
Matkakoti Rohtorinne
Viihtyisä majatalo Heinäveden keskustassa.
Lintulan luostari
Kesämajoitusta vierasmajassa 1–3 hengen huoneissa, ei ryhmille
Pieni leirintäalue Kermankosken lähellä. Aluetta ylläpitää Kerma-Sappu-Pölläkkä kyläyhdistys.
Studiohuoneisto keskustassa
Majoitu huoneistoon (oh+mh+k+wc-suihku) tai vuokraa työpiste wifi-yhteydellä.
Yksiö Keskustassa
Yksiö 2 hengelle (36 m²) aivan Heinäveden keskustassa toisessa kerroksessa. Huone+keittiö+wc/suihku.
Palokin Majatalo
Viihtyisää huonemajoitusta satavuotiaassa vanhassa koulussa Lintulan luostarin läheisyydessä.
Päärakennuksessa on 5 huonetta ja Vahtitupa10 henk. Vierasvenelaituri, ravintola. Avoinna…
Majoitus Purotie 3 A 5
Yksiö 3 hengelle kerrostalossa
Majatalo Kotipuro
Majatalo idyllisessä maalaisympäristössä Kermassa.
Järvi-Suomen Matkailu Oy
Huoneistoja, yhteismajoitusta, itsepalvelukeittiö. Vain ennakkovarauksella.
Säynämön leirikeskus
Kristillinen loma- ja kurssikeskus. Avoinna kesällä. Ohjelmallisia leirejä, majoitus- ja…
Private Cabins and Villas
Kolmen karhun talo
Uniikki majapaikka Heinäveden Vihtarissa. Majoitut omassa rauhassasi luonnonhelmassa, nautiskelet metsän…
Lomamökki Mäntyranta
Ojm-lomat, Lomamökki Mäntyranta Palvelemme Malkkilantie 12979700 Heinävesi Jyrkylinjärven rannalla, luonnonsuojelualueen…
Lomamökki Lajunniemi
Mökki lapsiperheelle rauhallisella paikalla Palvelemme Lajunniementie 9A79810 Karvionkanava Lapsiperheelle (2+2henk)…
Roivas Raimo ja Tarja
3 kpl 6 hengen mökkejä
Räsänen Mauno
12 hengen kämppä
Pilpan lomahuvilat
Tasokkaat huvila ja mökit Heinäveden reitin varrella. 1 kpl 6…
Lajunen Ilari
1 kpl 2–6 hengen mökki; Rantamökki. 1 kpl 4–6 hengen…
Kukkonen Helena
1 kpl 4–6 hengen mökki. Luonnonmukaiset rakennusmateriaalit, sopii allergisille. Myös…
6 + 2 hengelle
2 + 2 hengen mökki
Lomamökki Salmenkari
Lomamökki Salmenkari on 2mh huvila rauhallisella paikalla Kermajärven rannalla.
Hottinen Timo
1 kpl 4 hengen mökki/Hiekkaniemi 2 kpl 6 hengen mökki/Koivikko…
Heinäveden matkailu
Kermanrannantie 7
79700 Heinävesi